What the Council Does


The Parish Council is consulted on all planning applications within the parish. Planning applications and decisions are available to view on the planning pages of Warwick District Council’s website. https://planningdocuments.warwickdc.gov.uk/online-applications/

Rowington Parish Council provides and maintains, or has input into, the following services:

  • allotments
  • bridleways
  • bus shelters
  • community transport schemes
  • crime reduction measures
  • footpaths – https://www.warwickshire.gov.uk/rightsofway
  • notice boards
  • litter bins
  • open spaces
  • planning
  • playing fields
  • street lighting
  • traffic calming measures

Financial Support

The Parish Council provides financial support in the form of annual donations to Rowington Village Hall, Lowsonford Village Hall and the parish churches of St Luke in Lowsonford and St Laurence in Rowington. Many other groups and organisations within the parish receive financial support from the Parish Council.

The Parish Council is open to requests for support from any organisation or groups within Rowington parish.


The Parish Council owns and maintains the playing field located at the rear of the former school (now known as West of St Laurence) in Rowington. In addition, the land on which Rowington Village Hall stands is held by the Parish Council as Custodian Trustee. The Rowington Village Hall Management Committee has day to day control of both the management and maintenance of the Village Hall.

Parish Plan and Parish Design Statement

The Parish Council completed a Parish Plan in 2009.

One of the actions that came out of the Rowington Parish Plan was to produce a Parish Design Statement (PDS). The aim of a PDS for Rowington Parish is to guide and influence the design of any future development, and to identify what parishioners like about Rowington Parish and how we want to protect and, wherever possible, enhance its character.

The PDS will enable parishioners and others to become more aware of the important features and characteristics when considering making changes to properties or developments within the parish.

It is envisaged that the PDS once completed, will be used as a guidance document by both Warwick District Council and Rowington Parish Council in assessing planning applications. 


The Parish Council supports the provision of allotments for local parishioners at the rear of Beech Close and Queen’s Drive, Rowington. If you would like more details or your name to be added to the waiting list, please contact the Allotments Association or the Clerk to Rowington Parish Council.

Parish Council Register of Interests 
